Wednesday, September 23, 2009

TransFac trial

The D. Samuel Gottesman Library and Research Informatics Core (RIC) are sponsoring a trial of TransFac, a database on gene regulation and transcription factors.

Along with Proteome, which is currently available from the Library, TransFac is part of Biobase Knowledge Library (BKL). BKL allows users to make queries and to generate new information based on data from the literature.

Also available in this trial is the accompanying tool, ExPlain. To use Explain, you must create a free account on the BKL site.

While we have the trial for TransFac and ExPlain please use your Remote Access ID and password to login.

The trial will run through the middle of November 2009.

Did you find these resources useful?

Contact Florence Schreibstein at x3110 or, or Dr. Dan Schwartz at x2494 or

BMJ Case Reports trial

The Library has begun a trial to BMJ Case Reports that will continue until October 2009.

BMJ Case Reports is a peer-reviewed collection of cases in all disciplines. It includes common and rare conditions, and has more than 1000 articles from over 55 countries. The aim is to publish cases so that healthcare professionals and researchers can easily find clinically important information on common and rare conditions. Case reports published in other BMJ Journals will also be adapted for publication.

"The challenge of medicine is not only in managing the routine and well researched, but in recognising the strange... It is the minority of cases, that are not what they seem, that present the greatest challenge and risk."

"Case reports stimulate learning and research. As a time-honoured tradition of medicine they are capable of developing new subject areas, providing educational material and are among the most read content in journals. Case reports are very sensitive for detecting novelty which is useful in recognising new diseases as well as new side effects of drugs, both adverse and beneficial."

Did you find this resource useful? Send your comments to Judie Malamud, x3108 or

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Got EndNote? Got questions about EndNote?

Come to the Library Conference Room (Forch. 119N) at 2:00 on Thursday, September 17.

Bob Farrell, Senior Account Representative from Thomson Reuters will be here to answer your questions and introduce you to what's new in EndNote X3.

Space is limited. RSVP to or 18-430-3104. If you have specific questions, please include them in your message. We will forward your questions to Bob, so he will come prepared with detailed answers.

Please note. This is not an EndNote class. The next Introduction to EndNote workshop will be held on Tuesday, October 13 9:30-12:00.

Download your copy of EndNote X3 at

Einstein Book Club

Add the novel Year of Wonders, by Geraldine Brooks, to your reading list and then join the D. Samuel Gottesman Library staff for a lively discussion of the book.

Open to the entire Einstein community, the book club will convene quarterly with a lunchtime meeting. Bring your lunch. The Library will provide cookies and coffee.

For more information or to RSVP, contact the Library Reference Department at, 718.430.3104, or visit the Library.
  • Date: October 14, 2009
  • Time: 12:00pm- 1:00pm
  • Location: Forchheimer 119N Library Conference Room
In the meantime, please join our virtual Book Club at and share your ideas online.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

List of Journals That Submit All NIH-Funded Final Published Articles to PubMed Central

A list of journals that make the final published version of every NIH-funded paper publicly available in PubMed Central no later than 12 months after publication, without author involvement, is available here.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Journal Editors Exhibit

The annual exhibit honoring faculty members who hold editorial positions at journals, annuals and Web sites is on display in the Library lobby through the end of September. Stop by and take a look. You can see the exhibit online on our Web site.