Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2005 data became
available in mid-June. Be sure to clear the cache/history in
your browser before going to Web of Science to access the
new data.
The Web of Science/Current Contents Connect interface
has also changed, and there are some new features. Author
Finder is a search refinement feature that enables you to
more precisely locate the author you seek by allowing you
to include variant spellings, subject categories and
institutions. Another new feature is improved topic
searching. Now, if you enter multiple terms in the Topic
field, your results will include every record containing all
these words found anywhere in a Topic-related field. To
look for an exact phrase, use quotation marks.
In-Cites ( is a free resource featuring
interviews with scientists, and articles about research,
journals, institutions, and nations. View selected overall
and field rankings and pertinent statistics. Updated weekly
is SCI-BYTES, a summary of what’s new in research.
Additional free resources, including ISI Highly,
a gateway to influential scientists and scholars worldwide,
are available at