Monday, March 31, 2008

Henry Stewart Talks : Biomedical and Life Sciences Collection

The Library has begun a trial to Henry Stewart Talks : Biomedical and Life Sciences Collection. The trial will last through June 2008.

This is a collection of over 700 seminar-style talks. They have been specially commissioned from leading scientists and are presented in a format of animated slides with synchronized narration. Drs. Chaim Putterman and Ronald Nagel have contributed talks. Dr. Putterman's talk is on autoimmunity and Dr. Nagel's talk is on protein epidemiology.

The suggestion is that you start with the intro talk. The link appears on the left-hand side of the site's home page.

Let us know how you like it. Send feedback to

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Book Analyzes Current Tensions in American Medicine

Our Present Complaint: American Medicine, Then and Now, a new book by noted medical historian Charles E. Rosenberg, is now available in the library. Rosenberg examines fundamental questions confronting the medical community: how it thinks about itself and its moral and intellectual responsibilities and what the public's expectations are. Providing the historical background to the current situation, Rosenberg then goes to to address current issues, including those surrounding genetics, psychiatry, and complementary medicine.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

2 Freebies for your PDA or smart phone!!

The AECOM Library has a trial of the PDA version of The Merck Manual and Clinical Evidence from Unbound Medicine.

Both titles can be downoaded to Palm or PocketPC devices. BlackBerry and other smartphone users can access The Merck Manual and Clinical Evidence online through their device's web browser.

The trial is available to all members of the AECOM community through April, 2008. Registration is required. Get Clinical Evidence and The Merck Manual from Unbound Medicine.

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CABI Global Health database trial extended

The Library's free trial of CABI Global Health has been extended through April 30, 2008.

Global Health is a bibliographic database of international public health research and practice. It includes more than a million records from 1973 to the present.

The information is taken from serials, books, conference proceedings, patents, theses and other difficult-to-obtain sources. Publications from more than 125 countries in 50 languages are abstracted, and non-English language papers are translated.

40% of the material contained in this database is unique to Global Health. Basic and more advanced searching options are available.

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