Thursday, December 20, 2007

Body Language

Medical students and others looking for inspiration or just good poetry should check out Body Language: Poems of the Medical Training Experience. This new library book contains poetry by medical students and physicians, chronicling their experiences of medical training and practice. The poems are divided into chapters by phase of training, such as Medical Training, First Year and Resident. Poem titles include "Haiku of Residency" and "Surgery Rotation."

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Achieving Excellence in Medical Education

This new book by Richard Gunderman explores the a basic question facing medical educators and learners today: What is our vision of educational excellence, and what can we do to enhance our performance? Achieving Excellence in Medical Education offers theoretical insights and practical suggestions. Among the topics explored are: Educations position as a priority of medical schools, seminal educational insights from non-medical educators, best practices of outstanding educators and learners, promises and pitfalls of new educational technologies, key resources for promoting excellence in medical education, medical educations role in preparing future leaders, leadership roles for medical schools in universities and society.

Friday, December 07, 2007

New Collaborative Medical News Site

Dissect Medicine, a joint initiative of Macmillan Medical Communications and Nature Clinical Practice, is a medical news website that encourages readers to participate. Stories range from general interest articles to basic research. Users of the site may submit news items for review with subject tags and keywords. They are then ranked by the user group. The idea is for the most relevant and influential articles to become headline stories. You may read the stories without registering, but to post links to stories or to vote, you must complete the free registration.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Looking for Medical News Feeds?

Medical Feeds is a directory of RSS feeds for medicine and health. The site has a large number of feeds and includes those for medical professionals and consumers. They are grouped under topics that include the various medical specialties as well as grants and employment. There is also a listing of medical blogs and podcasts.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Biomolecular Object Network Databank (BOND)

The Biomolecular Object Network Databank (BOND) is an online search resource in the fields of genomic, proteomic and metabolomic research. It is the first open access resource to integrate sequence and interaction information.Users may perform cross-database searches of available sequence, interaction, complex and pathway information. BOND integrates a range of component databases including Genbank and BIND, the Biomolecular Interaction Network Database.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Biology Image Library

The AECOM Library has a trial of the Biology Image Library through December 19, 2007. The library is a collection of images, illustrations, movies, and animations for research and education. Materials can be downloaded for non-commerical purposes, such as for use in lectures or seminars.

The trial is available to all members of the AECOM community through December 19, 2007. Registration is required.

Let us know how you like it. Send feedback to

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

MedEd Portal

MedEdPORTAL, provided by The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) was designed to promote collaboration and educational scholarship by facilitating the open exchange of peer-reviewed teaching resources such as tutorials, virtual patients, cases (PBL, SP, OSCE), lab manuals, assessment instruments, faculty development materials, etc. Through this site, faculty can locate information about high-quality, peer-reviewed teaching material in both the basic and clinical sciences.

Registration is FREE and you can customize your MedEdPORTAL as well as submit resources for publication. Click Login from the main menu then click New User to register. You can create a customized home page called MyMedEdPORTAL that allows you to track your submissions and discover recently published items in your area of interest. Features include Search by Keyword and Browse by Discipline. A complex search can be created via the Power Search link. Keep in mind that using numerous fields may result in a narrow search.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

New Look, More Features for, the National Library of Medicine's web-based registry of approximately 47,000 clinical research studies, now has a new user interface and expanded features. The new interface provides more display options, including sponsor, size and age group. Search terms are now highlighted in results. The new "Studies by Topic" and "Study Topics" features group trials by four main categories: conditions, drug interventions, sponsors and locations. The map of study locations is also enhanced, allowing viewing of the number of registered trials in regions of the world for a specific search or for all studies in the database.

New Book for Medical Students

Hospital Survival: Lessons Learned in Medical Training, written by Grant Cooper, M.D., a resident at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, is now available in the library. It relates a number of amusing and often frightening stories of situations that have occurred during the first year of clinical rotations. The intention is that lessons learned by others, presented as "do's and don'ts" will allow a smoother path for the next generation of students. Take a look.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Human Genome Epidemiology Network (HuGENet)

Human Genome Epidemiology Network, or HuGENet™ is a global collaboration of individuals & organizations committed to the assessment of the impact of human genome variation on population health & how genetic information can be used to improve health & prevent disease. HuGENet™ collaborators come from multiple disciplines such as epidemiology, genetics, clinical medicine, policy, public health, education, and biomedical sciences.

The site offers HuGE Navigator, an integrated, searchable knowledge base of genetic associations and human genome epidemiology, including information on population prevalence of genetic variants, gene-disease associations, gene-gene and gene- environment interactions, and evaluation of genetic tests. Since 2001, HuGENet™ has maintained a database of published, population-based epidemiologic studies of human genes extracted from PubMed. The HuGE Navigator replaces earlier search tools for use with this database and provides additional applications for use by researchers and the public.

In addition, HuGENet provides an e-book, e-journal club, reviews, articles (full-text available if library subscribes), case studies, factsheets, and other publications.


POGOe, a partner site of the Association of American Medical Colleges’ MedEdPORTAL, is an online clearinghouse of geriatric educational products. It provides educational materials to be used or adapted for individual learning environments. POGOe users include practicing physicians, clinician educators and physicians in training. Materials are indexed based on content area or learner type, and range from resources to aid in enhancement of patient assessment to pocket cards, web-based modules and virtual patient cases.

POGOe encourages users to submit educational products of their own, and provides a way for authors to gain feedback from end users about their experience.

Use the search field on the toolbar to perform a basic search. For a more specific search, click on "Advanced Search" where you may search by content area, learner type, and format.

POGOe requires that all users register with the site.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Hematology Teaching Cases

ASH Teaching Cases, found on the web site of the American Society of Hematology (ASH), presents fifteen case studies for use by medical students and hematology instructors. The interactive cases are designed to simulate the steps involved in diagnosing a patient, from taking a history to following the clinical course of the disease. Students are asked to consider the right questions to ask along the way, while explanatory text, graphics and a glossary provide information about the pathophysiology of the various diseases.

Instructors may link to or reference the sites of the individual cases, provided the links they create do not use ASH's trademark.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Find a Flu Clinic near you

The Flu (Influenza) Clinic Locator provided by The American Lung Association helps you search out Flu Clinics in your neighborhood. To find a flu clinic, enter your zip code into the Flu Clinic Locator. You will get the address, phone number, time and date the clinic is offering flu shots near you, as well as a map showing where the clinic is located.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

New Style Guide for Medical Publishing

Citing Medicine: the NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers is the new bibliographic reference e-book from the National Library of Medicine. It provides instructions and many examples for help in citing 26 types of published and unpublished materials, including databases, patents and unpublished papers. Appendices include commonly used abbreviations and notes for citing MEDLINE®/PubMed®

Currently available in HTML format, the book will be printable in Adobe Acrobat pdf format later this year.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Annual Reviews electronic back volumes

Through the the generosity of Mr. Norman Himelberg the library has purchased electronic back volumes to the entire Annual Reviews list of journals. You should be able to see the volumes on our A-Z Online Journal list. In coming weeks links in the library catalog, PubMed and Ovid Medline will be updated.

We do not have current subscriptions to all of the titles. For those journals you will need to request the article through the interlibrary loan office.

For more information you can contact Florence Schreibstein, x3110 or email

Friday, September 07, 2007

City Public Hospitals Disclose Record of Performance

The New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) has released details of its record on certain key performance measures, including mortality and hospital-acquired infection rates. The data is available on the HHC website in a new section, HHC in Focus. Also posted is data on how often NYC public hospitals are following best clinical practices in treating conditions such as heart attacks and pneumonia, and how well public nursing homes are doing in reducing falls, bed sores and managing pain.

HHC in Focus presents the following safety and quality indicators:

  • Annual mortality
  • Adherence to best practice treatment for heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia;
  • 30-day mortality rates for heart attack and heart failure;
  • Adherence to best practice treatment for prevention of surgical infection;
  • Rates of ventilator-associated pneumonia and central line-associated bloodstream infection for critically ill patients;
  • Rates of falls, pressure ulcers and effective pain management for long term care patients.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Summer Reading at a Different Pace

Tired of reading Science, JAMA, New England Journal or the latest textbook in your field? The library has a number of poetry books that may refresh you in the summer heat..The list includes:

Port of Call: selected poems. Alan Zisman, 2004 WZ 350/Z81p/2004
What Counts: poems. Jay Liveson, 2000 WZ 350/L785W 2000
Uncharted lines: poems from JAMA. Charlene Breedlove, ed. 1998 WZ 330/U54/1998
Articulations: the body and illness in poetry. John Mukand, ed. 1994 WZ 330/A791/1994
Hanging On: poems. Jay Liveson. 1998 WZ 350/L785h/1998

Other poetry works may be found in the same section of the book stacks as the works listed above.

Monday, July 30, 2007

New Photocopiers and Printers Coming Soon!

The Library will soon implement a new print and photocopy system designed to allow you to better manage your copying and printing needs:
  • Self-service online account maintenance - you create an account, check your balance and add value to your account
  • No more copy cards
  • You choose the printer or copier where you would like your print job(s) released
The cost of printing and copying will remain the same, 10 cents/page .

We will keep you posted when the new system is fully operational. In the meantime, please do not add more value to your Copico card than you need at the moment.

Friday, July 20, 2007

ScienceDirect Physics and Astronomy Subject Collection

The AECOM Library has access to the Physics and Astronomy Subject Collection of ScienceDirect. It includes titles as Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Chemical Physics, and Chemical Physics Letters, Cryogenics, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Journal of Molecules Spectrosopy, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, and other titles in theoretical and applied physics, and astronomy. Access begins with 1995.

For more information call or email Florence Schreibstein, x3110

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Electronic access available to all American Chemical Society journals

We have joined with the other Yeshiva University libraries to offer electronic access to all American Chemical Society journals. We now have access to such titles as ACS Chemical Biology, ACS Nano, Bioconjugate Chemistry, Biomacromolecules, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Macromolecules, Nano Letters, Organic Letters and others.

For more information call, x3110 or email Florence Schreibstein.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


As of Sunday, July 1, UpToDate will be available solely on the Jacobi Medical Center Intranet.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Journal Citation Reports

Data for Journal Citation Reports, or Impact Factors, is now available for 2006. Reports are also available for 2005 and 2004. JCR can be accessed from the library's databases page.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Congratulations to the class of 2007

Stop by the library to see the 2007 commencement exhibit. This year's commencement speaker was Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. In addition to the bestowal of 156 MD degrees, 43 PhDs and 10 combined MD/PhD degrees, the exhibit also honors the teaching excellence of six Einstein faculty members and four physicians who received Distinguished, Lifetime and Honorary Alumni Awards.

We extend congratulations to everyone on their graduation, and wish you success in the years ahead.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

New Databases

Recently the library added three new databases to our web site:

1. ASH Image Bank. Produced by the American Society of Hematology, the ASH Image Bank is intended to serve as a comprehensive reference and teaching tool that is widely accessible to physicians and hematology students around the world.

2. Historical Statistics of the United States. This newly-updated (2006) fourth edition contains a variety of quantitative facts about US history. Users can create their own tables, or else download pre-existing tables in Microsoft Excel or Access formats. Broad topics covered include population, work and welfare, economic structure and performance, economic sectors, and governance and international relations.

3. Proteome. Proteome provides access to six protein databases: YPD, HumanPSD, WormPD, GPCR-PD, PombePD, and MycopathPD. The databases feature disease information, references, Bioknowledge transfer and integrated resources. One-time site registration required.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ethics Symposium

Allegra Goodman, the featured speaker at the symposium May 8 (The Culture of Science: Research and Ethics) spoke of writing her newest book entitled Intuition. The book focuses on the research process in a university lab including social and professional dynamics , ethics and the personalities that come in to play. Overheard after the talk: "She really got it right!" If you have not read the book stop by the library and borrow our copy. The call number is QZ 23 G653i 2006.

To see other resources on bioethics go to

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The New York Society Library

Despite its name, it's not a library for New York society; rather, it was started by a group that called themselves the NY Society.

The reading and reference room is open to the public. Members have access to the stacks, reading rooms, study rooms, and a children's collection. Membership is $200 a year, $125 for teachers and college students.

Strengths of the collection are books about New York, English and American literature, history, and art history.

The New York Society Library is located at 53 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Plague

Over the last few years at least 4 new titles have been published on the history of the 1918 flu pandemic. If you are interested in the history and lessons to be learned you might want to check out the following titles that we have purchased.

Britain and the 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic: a dark epilogue. Niall Johnson, 2006

Mass Mediated Disease: a case study analysis of three flu pandemics and public health policy.
Debr Lanham, 2006

Plagues & Poxes: the impact of human history on epidemic disease. Alfred Bollet, 2004

Flu: the story of the great influenza pandemic of 1918 and the search for the virus that caused it. Gina Kolata, 1999.

To see if a title is available go to ALBERT:library catalog on our home page. Typing in author or title will bring up our record.with the call no. and availability.

New Consumer Health Web Site - is a free, comprehensive health and medical information site for consumers. Established by Stephen M. Case, the America Online founder, the site offers health information, treatment advice and more than 125 online tools. It also enables consumers to browse and compare health insurance products, then puts them in touch with trusted brokers. contains more than 45,000 articles on health and healthy living topics from sources such as Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Harvard Health Publications, StayWell, Rodale, Healthwise and other quality health publishers. Up to date health news and information are provided from Reuters and HealthDay, as well as blogs, forum postings and interviews from Revolution Health’s expert medical team. Users can subscribe to a “premium membership” (for an annual fee) for additional, individualized help, share their experiences on forums and user blogs, create “circles” of people with shared interests, and read user-generated ratings of products, treatments, drugs, doctors and hospitals.

Physicians can use the site to share their expertise by starting their own blog and print easy-to-understand information for their patients to help them understand their condition.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Merck Manual & Clinical Evidence for Your PDA -- for free

The AECOM Library has just begun a one-year trial of the PDA version of The Merck Manual and Clinical Evidence from Unbound Medicine. The trial is available to all members of the AECOM community. Registration is required.
Get Clinical Evidence and The Merck Manual at Unbound Medicine.

Let us know if you like it. Send feedback to

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Medical Freebies for your PDA

Attention PDA and smartphone users! Do you want to learn about some new, free applications for your handheld? We have lots to show you.

Join us in the Library Conference Room on May 2 from 12-1 for our new lunchtime workshop. You don’t have to bring your PDA for this demo-only session.

Highlighted resources include:
Merck Manual from Unbound Medicine
Clinical Evidence from Unbound Medicine
Clinical Pharmacology
PubMed for handhelds
WISER (Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders)
Access Medicine

Bring your own lunch. We will supply cookies and beverages.

Space is limited. Contact the reference department at and 718-430-3104 if you would like to attend.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

New Ebooks

The Library now has access to two new e-titles.

Metagenomics: Sequences from the Environment


WormBook: The Online Review of C. elegans Biology

These books are available via Albert, the library's catalog or via the NCBI bookshelf.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

American Jewish Committee Archives

"Filled with more than a million documents and hundreds of movies and radio shows, the New York-based American Jewish Committee Archives house an extraordinary range of resources on the past century of American Jewish history." --From the web site

The web site was launched in 2006 as part of the AJC centennial.

Among their publications is the American Jewish Year Book.
There are radio programs, cartoons, films and TV programs.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The New York Times

The New York Times' TimesSelect, offering access to select Op-Ed and news columnists (such as Thomas Friedman and Maureen Dowd, among others), is now available for free to University Students and Faculty. Other TimesSelect features include access to 100 archive articles per month, special multimedia presentations, and early preview options for pieces from Sunday's New York Times. Visit the following web site to open a free account. Additionally, this page provides an overview of TimesSelect.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Library Classes

Looking for the latest library class schedule? The April schedule should be available shortly, so please check back soon!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The mission of the Kaiser Family Foundation is to provide timely, reliable, and non-partisan information on national health issues to policymakers, the media, and the general public. To advance that mission, the Foundation established in November 2000.

The network has daily and monthly reports on Health Policy, AIDS/HIV, Women's Health Policy, and Health Disparities.

The "about us" page has instructions to sign up for email alerts, RSS feeds, and podcasts.

We've got the power!

Electricity is back on in all areas of the Library. The Reading Room is warming up nicely. It's nice and toasty in the Beren Center and in the Upper and Lower Stacks.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

PubMed Class cancelled

The PubMed class, originally scheduled for Thursday, March 8, has been canceled.

As of Wednesday evening there is still no power in the Library. We do not know if the Library will open tomorrow morning. Please check this web page tomorrow morning for an update.

If you have questions or need assistance while the library is closed, contact the library staff at

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Wednesday, March 7

The Library will be closed on Wednesday if the situation (no power or heat) continues.

The Beren Study Center will remain open. It warms up and gets good sunlight in the afternoon.

Check this web site, or call 718-430-3111 for updates.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Library Schedule During Forchheimer Power Outage

The main floor of the Library will be open on Tuesday, March 6 from 8:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

Photocopiers and public computers are not working. Most of the overhead lighting is out, too. So you will have to rely on whatever shines through the windows.

Bring a sweater. It is very chilly.

For more information, call 718-430-3108 or 718-430-3111 between 8:30-3:00.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Genetics Home Reference Information Rx

Genetics Home Reference Information Rx is a new program that encourages practitioners to refer their patients to Genetics Home Reference, a free consumer health web site produced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). The site has detailed, easy-to-understand information on topics pertaining to genetic conditions and related genes -- including more than 200 genetic diseases, conditions and syndromes and the health effects of more than 300 genes. It also features an illustrated tutorial that explains the basics of genetics from the cellular level on up, a handbook for learning about human genetics, a glossary of genetics terms and numerous links to additional information.

Physicians in the Genetics Home Reference Information Rx program may request free "Information Rx" pads, allowing them to write "prescriptions" that steer patients to the Genetics Home Reference site. Four associations -- the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists and the American College of Medical Genetics -- have joined with the NLM and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development on this initiative.

A similar Information Rx Project was launched in 2003 to assist physicians in steering their patients to NLM's MedlinePlus database, which has information on more than 700 health topics and many other resources.

The Information Rx pads may be ordered at

Monday, February 26, 2007


Exam Master, a USMLE and board review tool, recently upgraded their web site. It now features pages and demos targeted to specific user groups, including medical students and residents, faculty and physicians. The Exam Master web site is available through the Library's Databases link. You will need to create a user ID/password to use the site.

For faculty, Exam Master has developed a 350-question USMLE Step 1 practice exam for use by second year medical students. There is also a set of clerkship exams covering five primary care specialties. To access these exams, faculty members should first log in to their Exam Master account. Then they will need to log in as an academic manager to by entering the Exam Administrator Password and clicking on Academic Manager. Please contact the Reference Desk at 718-430-3104 if you would like to use this feature.

Medical students and residents will want to know that new questions in all of the USMLE areas are also part of the new site. Access any of the available exams or create your own custom-built exam with subjects or keywords.

Please contact the Reference Desk at 718-430-3104 with any questions about Exam Master.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Career Opportunities

Are you looking for a job or planning to explore a new career?

We now have a Career Opportunities resource page on the Library Web site. This new category in our Useful Sites was created as a tool for our patrons to access information about jobs and career opportunities, from reliable medical journals and other trusted job sites.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Free Database Trial

The library has a free trial of Lexi-Comp Online until the end of March. Lexi-Comp Online provides access to up-to-date clinical content across multiple databases. Searches can be conducted by generic drug name, brand name, recently-added content, or others. There is also a drug calculator feature.

Lexi-Comp Online is available on the library's Databases page.

Let us know your thoughts by sending an e-mail to

New Chat Option

The library now has a new way to communicate with us. During the hours of 10am - 4pm Monday through Friday, visit this web page: to chat directly with a librarian, no software download required. The only technical requirement is a computer with the free Adobe Flash Player program installed.

Of course you can still e-mail, call, stop by or Instant Message the library to ask us questions as well.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

How Many Times Have Einstein Authors Been Cited?

Web of Science makes it easy to find out how many times articles written by Einstein authors since 1996 have been cited.

This is how to do it:

1. Open Web of Science

2. Click General Search

3. Near the top of the next screen, under Select timespan, choose the dates you would like to search. The dates refer to the dates when the articles were written, not the dates of the citing articles. Since the Library's subscription to Web of Science is from 1996-present, your selection is limited to articles written after 1995.

4. On the Address line, type in the following phrase: Albert Einstein and 10461

5. Click Search

4. On the following screen, click on the more choices option under Refine your results (near the top of the screen)

5. Click on Institutions

6. Check the boxes next to the first two options, YESHIVA UNIV ALBERT EINSTEIN COLL MED and ALBERT EINSTEIN COLL MED

7. Click View Records

9. On the next screen, click the gray box labeled Citation Report on the right side of the screen.

After a few moments, you will see two graphs. The one on the left tells you the number of articles published in your selected time frame. The one on the right tells you the number of articles that cited those articles published during the time frame you selected.

Phone the Reference Desk if you have any questions about cited reference searching or other ways to use Web of Science.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Online Tools for Medical Educators

A new resource from AAMC, MedEdPORTAL, is an online repository of peer-reviewed medical education materials. There have been more than 300 submissions of teaching materials from more than 100 U.S., Canadian, and international medical Schools. Included are clinical cases and vignettes for teaching faculty, both for basic science PH.D.s and physicians. check the listing of topics at AAMC, January 2007

Monday, January 15, 2007


While we do not have an electronic subscription to Consumer Reports here is a site, ConsumerSearch, that has product reviews, many based on Consumer Reports.

For more information go to their FAQ page.

Friday, January 12, 2007

PubMed RSS tutorial

The library has a new, brief tutorial on how to set up an RSS feed for a PubMed search. Check it out! Please note that you must have the free Adobe Flash Player program installed on your computer and the sound on to view the tutorial.

Beren Center Computers

Five new computers have been added to the Beren Center. In addition to the Internet Explorer and Firefox web browsers, the computers have MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The two print stations have also been moved into the Beren Center, enabling 24/7 printing in the library.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Where's the book?

The next phase of the Library renovation is in full swing. Some parts of the reading room have been closed off to allow for the construction of new study rooms.
During this time some of the books have been moved from their usual location to the low shelving areas closer to the windows. Signs have been posted to help you find what you are looking for. As always, any Library staff member will be happy to help you. Thanks for your continued patience!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New EndNote Web Class added

Because the EndNote Web class on January 24 is full, an additional class has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, from 10 am to 12 noon.

Please email or call the Reference Desk at 718-430-3104 to reserve a space.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Database Training Class: EndNote Web

The Library is offering a new class on ENDNOTE WEB on January 24 from 10am - 12noon.

Faculty, staff and students are invited to learn about this new Web-based version of the popular bibliographic management software, which is now available at no charge through the Library's subscription to Web of Science.

Learn how to create a user profile, import and organize references from various sources, share files with your colleagues, export references to other bibliographic management programs, and format your own papers.

Space is limited. Please email or call the Reference Desk at 718-430-3104 to reserve a space.

Use of Remote Access - 2006

Faculty, residents, and students have been using our remote access capabilities from off campus to access our electronic resources. 2006 use was up by 34 % from 2005. Users logged 2,262,083 hits to our electronic books, journals, and databases. Statistics also show that remote access is used 24/7 making us a truly virtual library.